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DCI Summer of Learning

On Monday June 15, Marching Arts Education presents four FREE webinar sessions with the Mandarins! Share the “EXPERIENCE” of marching DCI and being a part of the Mandarins. Educators will learn from the top Marching Arts Professionals, and marchers will interact with instructors and members.

Sign Up Here. Webinar details and start times described below. You can watch previous webinars with other drum corps as well.

The Mandarins Design Process: How do you create a show that looks, sounds, and feels like no other group?  On this webinar we meet the Mandarins design team and discuss their show design process, what the concept parameters are, music vs visual first, why they do what they do, and how they set their expectations and engagement of all captions throughout the process.  With Ike Jackson, Mario Ramirez, Peter Beckhart, Key Poulan, Ben Pyles, and JW Koester.  Watch live and ask questions during the webinar! Sign Up Here

So You Want To Be A Member Of The Mandarins: The perfect information session for anyone considering marching!  This session will feature the Mandarins caption managers (brass, percussion, visual & color guard) discussing what they look for during the audition process, how they go about the audition process, the interaction between music & visual, and what a typical audition camp looks like.  They will also discuss how they transition into the regular season, how they set our expectations for the summer, how the summer is managed, how they evaluate our successes, and how they prepare for the next season.  With Mario Ramirez, Ben Pyles, Tim Snyder, Joseph Hayes, Santiago Sabado, and JW Koester.  Watch live and ask questions during the webinar! Sign Up Here

Meet The Mandarins Corps Members: An insider look at the life of a corps member, featuring members of The Mandarins, both veterans and rookies from all sections.  They will discuss how they prep for the audition process, what happens during the winter camps, what to expect for spring training and tour, and great insight into their experiences.   With Carson Kimber, Amelia Ikuta, Cristian Vista, Amanda Lopes, and Nathaniel Trueba.  Watch live and ask questions during the webinar! Sign Up Here

Meet The Mandarins Organization: A look inside a world class organization, featuring a cross section of people throughout the organization.  These important members of the Mandarins will discuss their various programs, where they are now, a little of how they got here, and where they expect to be moving towards in the future.  With Ike Jackson, Jim Tabuchi, Santiago Sabado, Dr. Dan Fong, and JW Koester.   Watch live and ask questions during the webinar!  Sign Up Here


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