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From the Mandarins CEO:

It’s been a week since we got back from Indianapolis and I’ve had a chance to ruminate on the 2021 season. The one word that keeps coming up is “gratitude.”

To the MEMBERS of the 2021 Mandarins: Thank you for being a Mandarin. You worked extremely hard through difficult situations like COVID protocols, like not having any in-person camps until May, like poor air quality from nearby wildfires, like a shortened tour schedule. And yet, the production on the field was a beautiful, artistic and powerful production. And off the field, you were supportive, fun, super funny and appreciative. I hope your season was transformative and that you are now a more confident and compassionate person. Be a shining light wherever you are.

To the DESIGNERS and TECHNICAL STAFF: Thank you for providing a Box 5 production and for training the performers professionally at the highest level of education. Your encouragement and positivity was infectious and produced a performance that was the talk of DCI. You guys did all the work – but I hear all the accolades. As a Mandarins alum who marched at a time when we sometimes felt no one cared about our show, my heart is full that so many are touched by who the Mandarins are – on and off the field. I have so much adoration for who you are and what you’ve brought to the Mandarins name.

To our KITCHEN STAFF, ADMIN STAFF, TRANSPORTATION STAFF, HEALTH AND WELLNESS TEAM, SOUVENIR TEAM and the countless number of VOLUNTEERS who helped during the season: Thank you for your dedication, knowledge and expertise. The Mandarins do not exist without you. What we see on the field is directly a result of YOU and your undying efforts. Know that you are NOT unnoticed. You made the members’ experience a positive and memorable one.

To the PARENTS of our amazing members: Thank you for being actively supportive of your family and our family. You are an integral part of the drum corps experience for your children and our staff. You know what they say – TEAMWORK makes the DREAM WORK, and I am grateful for all your involvement.

And finally, to JW KOESTER and KEITH SANPEI: Thank you for your leadership, your ability to solve any situation, and all the sleepless times you spend keeping the drum corps moving forward. I am amazed at how you’re able to juggle and manage the million things that need attention throughout the season. You two take on so much hands-on and behind-the-scenes action that most of us never see. I commend both of you and am truly grateful for all you do for the Mandarins.

My first year as CEO has been a real learning experience and also super exciting! Thanks for making it REAL – let’s do it again in 2022!

Dan Fong President and CEO Mandarins of Sacramento, Inc.


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