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Press Kit

Media Coverage

Media will only be allowed access to rehearsals, including photography and videography, with prior approval.

Please contact for to request approval.

If you are on-site and wish to obtain media access, please speak to any on-site admin member. Any media personnel found without proper approval can be asked to leave.



  • Refer to the organization as “Mandarins of Sacramento, Inc.”.

  • Refer to the drum corps as “Mandarins Drum & Bugle Corps”. This can also be shortened to “Mandarins”.

  • Refer to the indoor wind ensemble as “Immortal Winds”. This can also be shortened to “IW”.

  • Refer to the elementary education music program as “Mandarins Music Academy”. This can also be shortened to “MMA”.

  • Refer to the for-profit music ensemble as “Mandarins Entertainment”.

  • Refer to the juvenile detention music education program as “Mandarins Pathways”.

  • The following applies to all entity names:

    • If an entity name is used multiple times in written form, the full entity name is used for the first instance and the shortened version of the entity name is used from that point forward.

    • When the entity name begins a sentence, the optional use of “The” (capitalized) to begin the sentence is acceptable for the purpose of grammar and readability. And, when the entity is mid-sentence, the optional use of “the” (not capitalized) is acceptable for the purpose of grammar and readability.

    • An entity name that ends with an audible “s” is followed by “are” and not “is”. Currently, this would apply only to “Mandarins are”, “Immortal Winds are”, and “Mandarins Pathways are”. This would not apply to “Mandarins Drum and Bugle Corps are” since “Corps” does not end with an audible “s”.

    • An entity name that ends with a written “s” should not include an apostrophe when written in the possessive, e.g., Mandarins Drum & Bugle Corps’, Mandarins’, Immortal Winds’, and Mandarins Pathways’.

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